All program registration is online - REGISTER HERE
Each playing season, clinic, & camp season has a separate open registration. General dates for Recreation:
The official Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) season for both boys and girls soccer is in the fall. We do not have enough participant numbers to run a fall league for this age group.
The registration system is set-up to filter available program options based on school grade level.
Please be sure the grade listed in your player's profile in PlayMetrics is accurate. You are not able to edit that yourself, so please contact the Recreation Director - - to make any edits before you register.
If your players age group is in “waitlist status” when you register, it means that teams are currently full or the registration deadline has passed. Please complete the registration to be placed on the waitlist. You will be contacted by Tonka United Recreation staff a week before the start of the season if we are able to get your player on a team (i.e. a spot has become available or another team is formed). If your player is NOT able to be placed on a team, you will be notified within two weeks after the start of the season.
No, we do not prorate registration fees or offer discounts for missed days. Please keep your attendance updated in PlayMetrics and inform your team coach if your player will miss any games.
If you choose to withdraw, you may do so at any time. Please contact the Recreation Director - - to communicate your decision in writing. Prior to requesting a refund with your cancellation, please review the Tonka United Refund Policy.
Financial aid is available for players that are eligible based on demonstration of need (i.e. qualified for free or reduced school district lunch or other extenuating circumstances). Submitting an application does not guarantee approval. The application form can be found in the registration of the program you are requesting aid for.
We do not offer family discounts.
In the Recreation Program, teams are created with a primary focus on community and connection, not skill and ability. Teams are formed based on gender, grade level, school attendance area (neighborhood), teammate/friend requests and availability of volunteer coaches. Friend requests are accepted at the time of registration and only ONE request per player is allowed. Although we do our best to accommodate these requests, they are not guaranteed. MUTUAL friend requests are honored.
Team rosters are available via your PlayMetrics account. All players associated with your Tonka United household account (including any Competitive program players) will be visible, along with their team rosters and game schedules.
While we do our best to accommodate friend requests, the team formations also depend on the total number of participants during any given season. In order to allow for equity and balance across the teams in the age groups, sometimes players need to be shifted and moved - including from established teams of seasons past.
Each season teams are formed based on participant numbers. In some age groups, if there are not enough participants to form a league, we need to combine the player pools from another age group in order to create equitable teams with enough players on each roster and enough teams to form the league.
All PreK - 8th grade players are required to wear the Tonka United Recreation Uniform Kit.
Co-Ed high school players receive a t-shirt at the start of their season are required to wear blue short and blue socks.
Tonka Kickers are provided a team-colored t-shirt (included with registration fee) at the start of their season in May.
Yes, you may select your own jersey number in the Recreation Program.
The Recreation Program is an in-house program. Each team plays another team from Tonka United, with the same jerseys.
It depends. If the uniform you received is the current kit we are using for the current playing season, then yes. If it is an older uniform kit from previous years that has been retired, then no - you must use a current uniform kit for the current playing season.
*The current kit runs 2023-2025*
The uniform cycle for our Recreation Program is three years. The manufacturers' styles are no longer available so they are not available to order for new players to the program or those that have out-grown them.
Fall season games are played on weekends.
Spring/Summer games are weeknights (M-Th). The exception would be if a make-up game is scheduled for a Friday evening. Each age group has a designated night for games, as published on the website.
Game schedules are accessed via PlayMetrics. All players associated with your Tonka United household account will be visible, along with their team rosters and game schedules.
Practices are organized at the sole discretion of the volunteer coach. This means the coach will set the days, times, and locations for the team practices and will be responsible for communicating the schedule to the team families. Reach out to your coach if you have specific questions about your team practices.
The Recreation Program uses fields at two primary locations - St. Therese of Deephaven and Freeman Park - for seasonal games. In the Spring/Summer there are season-ending games played at Minnetonka Middle School West (MMW) during the Tonka Blast.
Team pictures are scheduled for each Spring/Summer season only. This is considered the primary season for club soccer. Detailed dates will be available during the playing season.
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Only
2025 Coulter Blvd., Suite 200, Chanhassen, MN 55317
© Tonka United Soccer Association. All rights reserved.