Tonka United Competitive Program has a NO REFUND policy. There are NO REFUNDS other than medical reasons preventing the player from participating. Refunded player fees will be prorated accordingly. To request a refund under this provision, a letter from a licensed physician must accompany the written request verifying the condition and that it prevents the player from participating.
No refunds for tryout fees, commitment fees, team fees, installment fees or uniform costs.
Tonka United Recreation & Pre-Competitive Programs both have a limited refund policy. All refund requests must be submitted in writing. Refunds may be given under the following circumstances only:
No refunds for canceled games due to weather or field/facility conditions.
No refunds once team rosters and/or schedules are posted.
No refunds for late fees paid.
Tonka United Camps & Clinics have a limited refund policy. All refund requests must be submitted in writing. Refunds may be given under the following circumstances only:
No refunds for canceled sessions due to weather or field/facility conditions.
No refunds once sessions start.
No refunds for late fees paid.
Soccer is a team sport and a commitment is required. Your actions or inactions impact your teammates.
• Adhere to your team and playing level attendance policies.
• Work for the good of the team.
• Arrive on time to all events, games & practices.
• Always conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful to yourself, your teammates and Tonka United.
• Be generous when you win. Be gracious when you lose. Be fair always.
• Obey the rules of the game.
• Accept the decision of the officials with good grace.
• Honestly and wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of your teammates and your opponents.
• Adhere to Tonka United & team travel policies when traveling with the club or team.
• There is Zero tolerance for physical, verbal or mental abuse. Zero tolerance for any hate speak. Any player found in violation of this policy will be removed from play for a time determined by the club.
• Tonka United has a Zero tolerance policy for use or possession of any illegal substance including alcohol, drugs, smoking or vaping products or participation in any illegal activity. Activity will result in immediate removal. Reports will be given to the high school coaches for those of that age.
• Tonka United players are expected to use good sound judgement when posting to social media. Derogatory or negative comments towards others will not be tolerated including the posting of inappropriate photos or videos.
• Bottomline – be good to yourself & others. Treat others with the same respect you desire.
Soccer is your child’s game. Help to make athletic participation for your child and others a positive experience.
• Respect & adhere to the policies set forth by Tonka United, the league & your child’s team.
• Do your best to get your player prepared and to practices and games on time. Being late or unprepared can have a negative impact on your child.
• Be kind to your child's coach and officials. Parents encourage. Coaches coach.
• Lead by example & always maintain self-control.
• The opponents are necessary friends. Without them your child could not participate. Treat them as you would your child’s friends.
• Soccer is a team sport. Parents should applaud the successes of all players as well as their own child. Respect the feelings and capabilities of your child and their teammates and opponents.
• Do not question the referee’s judgment and never the honesty. He/she/they are a symbol of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship. They are human and doing their best. Without them, your child does not play.
• Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork & positive attitude always when representing your child, the team and the club.
• Accept the results of every game. Encourage your player to be gracious in victory and turn defeat to victory by working towards improvements.
• Respect the 24hr. rule when addressing the concerns you have with the coach or staff of the club. Always involve your player in conversations with the coach or club staff. It is their game, for their development on and off the field.
• Refrain from using foul, abusive, derogatory language towards anyone while participating in any Tonka United event, game or practice.
• Refrain from using social media to express negativity toward anyone associated with Tonka United or our opponents. Lead by example for your player.
• Commit to paying all club & team fees.
• Parental evaluation carries a great deal of weight with the child. The attitude shown by parents at games towards their child, the opposing team, the officials and the coach influence a child's behavior in sports. Criticism, disrespect for officials and opponents by parents bent on immediate success rather than long-range benefits undermines the purpose of sport and brings the games stresses beyond those of competition.
Violations of this Code of Conduct are taken seriously. Consequences may include being removed from games by the referee, suspension from attending games and removal from the team and association for both players and adults. Communication of violations and consequences will take place directly with the family in verbal and written format.
The safety of the players, coaches, management and spectators are of primary concern during any weather event that occurs during a match. The Referee has final say over delaying a game due to weather. Any visible lightning should result in an immediate suspension of the match with all players, coaches, spectators, and referees seeking shelter immediately. The match may not resume until 30 minutes has elapsed since the last lightning strike.
Teams and Referees should reference the heat index as reported by OSHA.
• Up to 89 degrees: normal play.
• 90-99 degrees: two-minute water breaks (running time); each half shortened by 5 minutes.
• 100-105 degrees: two-minute water breaks (running time); each half shortened by 10 minutes.
• 106 degrees and above: play suspended
Additional layers are permitted to be worn in the event of adversely cold weather.
• “Feels like” temperatures of 40 degrees and higher: normal play.
• “Feels like” temperatures of between 33 degrees and 39 degrees: each half shortened by 5 minutes.
• “Feel like” temperatures of 32 degrees or below: play suspended
Air quality is rated by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) with an air quality index (AQI) ranging from 0-500 that reflects the five major air pollutants: ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. The EPA has established national air quality standards for each pollutant to protect our health. Any athlete or team personnel who develops cough, chest tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath should not exercise outside when the air quality is bad. All Tonka United trainings and matches are to be postponed if the AQI reaches greater than 200.
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Only
2025 Coulter Blvd., Suite 200, Chanhassen, MN 55317
© Tonka United Soccer Association. All rights reserved.